The #1 worst thing you can do to a Multipassionate

It was a fine morning in Bikini Bottom for Squidward Tentacles.

Until he’s awoken by obnoxious laughter.

Upon investigation, it was SpongeBob, running circles on his house. Not around, but on.

(To be fair to Squidward, I'd be pretty concerned if I saw this too)

In his rage, he tells SpongeBob one thing:

In this world, there are 2 types of people.

There are normal people, and then there's you.

Maybe, you should start acting more NORMAL!!!

Distraught, SpongeBob sets a new mission:

To become normal.

He watches video, reads books, maybe buys a course.

At first, it goes great!

His boss, Mr. Krabbs is happy.

Squidward is happy.

Hell, he turned the kitchen into a cubicle and figured out how to print burgers instead of cooking them!

But one day, they start coming out 2-D. (Shocker, I know)

They start tasting like…paper.

In the wise words of Steve Jobs, "There's no sex in it anymore!"

Thanks to that, customers start leaving in boatloads.

When confronted, SpongeBob blames the computer.

But Mr. Krabs calls BS immediately:

"No boy, you're missing the point. You can't make Krabby Patties with ink and paper. You gotta put your heart into it."

By this point, SpongeBob speaks in monotone.

His trademark holes are gone.

He can't make Krabby Patties..

His boss put him on forced leave so he can’t even hold down a job.

By being "normal," SpongeBob gave up his soul.

And it reminded me of my own struggles of fitting in as a Multipassionate because…

Every Multipassionate is pushed by society to be “normal.”

But society is more subtle than a walking squid with no pants.

Instead of “normal”, it’ll use words like:

  • "Safe"

  • "Realistic"

  • "Practical"

The worst part is, most of us listen.

What choice did we have?

You and I were too young to do anything but comply.

And so begins the years long descent into the hell of 2-D burgers.

Life becomes dull.

You feel like something is missing.

That you were meant for more.

It's like you're on the outside of a really bad inside joke.

Trust me, I know what it's like.

Because I lived through it.

But you can get that spark back.

It took me 3 painstaking years to figure it out.

It's how I was able to:

  • Solo travel to 8 countries

  • Build a $1000/mo business

  • Make friends from around the world

  • Unravel & heal my childhood traumas (an ongoing task)

  • Grow to 2600 followers & ~400 newsletter subs on Threads

Your path might not mirror mine, but it's the key to unleashing your full potential and becoming a Modern Polymath.

Let's continue.

After being kicked out of work, Spongebob turns to his best friend, Patrick Star.

See, Patrick, is kind of dumb. Too dumb to care about petty things like embarrassment.

What does Dr. Star prescribe his patient?


The kind SpongeBob once loved before he was infected with Normal-19 (too soon?):

Catching jellyfish.

Doing a slip n slide in the middle of the street while wearing only his underwear.

And doing uhh...whatever this is...

And it was working!

Spongebob was getting his holes back.

I loved going on Wikipedia rabbit holes my 5th grade brain could barely understand.

But years of school and societal expectations beat it out of me.

Things got better when I started doing this:

Do the sh*t you once loved.

Think back to your childhood.

What did you enjoy the most?

Was it playing with Legos?

Barbie dolls?

Was it digging holes, pouring water in, and pretending they're giant lakes for ants? (Totally not me)

Write it down.

Then start doing them again.

Fuck whether "it makes you money" or how "realistic" it is.

Play for the sake of play.

The whole point is to get that magic back. Society has beaten enough "rational" into you.

Rebalance the rational with soul.

And it will lead you to what you were meant to do.

But there's 1 missing ingredient.

Otherwise, you will revert to your "normal" ways.


SpongeBob's play therapy was working at first.

He was about to transform back to his magical self…

Instead, he completely relapsed into being normal again.

It was so sad he cried into Patrick's arms.

…Until they heard a knock on the door.

It was Squidward.

He was now normal. How unsettling is that?

SpongeBob was so horrified he shat his pants back to his old self.

The final ingredient: you gotta be sick and tired of the BS.

There's a saying in the Tao Te Ching:

"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."


It doesn't matter how many books or how many of my newsletters you read.

If you don't want to create a new way of living, you won't.

Besides, Squidward shows us that the people who push you to be normal have 0 clue what normal even is.

So why listen to them?

Like, who the hell has 483 self-portraits on their wall???

Start listening to yourself and ask 3 questions:

  • What do I want out of life?

  • Do I actually want that or do my parents/teachers/society want that for me?

  • Do I like my life? If not, why?

I recommend pondering these throughout the next week and writing the answers.

This might be your first time hearing these. Nobody ever asked me.

But you have an advantage as an adult:

You can heal your inner child and create the nurturing environment for him/her that you should’ve gotten.

That starts with asking yourself those 3 questions.

That’s it for this one.

See ya on the next one,



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